Cyrus wants chicken wings and french fries - and any other day of the week I'd be down - but all I can dream of on this particular night is soup. Warm, delicious, and oh-so-soothing soup. But where am I going to get soup around here? Alright, I'm sure I could buy some watery chicken noodle soup from the nearest restaurant, or I could drive to the grocery store and buy a can of it - but why do that when I can make soup of much higher caliber and not leave the house or spend any money? I decide to raid the fridge instead.
The best thing about "soup" is that you can make it from practically anything.
"soup" |so͞op| : ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French soupe ‘sop, broth (poured on slices of bread),’ from late Latin suppa, of Germanic origin.
When I typed "Suppa" into Google's Latin translation search engine it came up with "Head-downwards". I'm not sure I understand. No wait, I'm picturing horse-facing a big bowl of steaming broth - and I'm pretty sure that's why the Germanics called it "suppa". Who doesn't want to horse-face a good bowl of soup?
Back at the fridge I find half a head of cabbage, a few carrots and half a bag of wilting kale. Alright, I can work with this. And so can you.
You'll also need a liter of plain almond milk, a few cloves of garlic, salt and pepper, and cumin.
Start by slicing your carrots in half and place them in a pot. Chop cabbage coarsely and add it along with some water. Bring that to a boil and remove when a knife slides through the veggies with ease. In the meantime, crush your garlic and fry it up in some grapeseed or olive oil until clear. Set aside. In another pot toss-in the kale and a little water. Steam until bright green.
Now, throw the carrots, cabbage and kale (in portions) into a blender and top off with almond milk. Blend until smooth. Repeat until you have blended all your veggies. Pour into a large pot, add garlic, salt, pepper, and cumin and bring to a boil. Add remaining almond milk until you reach your desired consistency.
Slurp and enjoy. I feel better already.

* Note, you can use a combination of any veggies for this recipe, whatever you have rotting away in the fridge - potatoes, celery, beets, you name it. Just make sure they're not too rotten.
Quick List
- a few cloves of garlic
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Carrots
- 1-2 L plain organic almond milk
- Salt
- Pepper
- Cumin