Our bodies are temples and should be treated with respect. If we want to live long healthy lives we should eat accordingly. I've been trying to change my eating habits so I can lead by example. I've amped up my intake of organic leafy greens, ripe fruit, root vegetables, and whole grains; I've cut out a lot of meat and dairy, and eliminated all refined sugars and processed foods (basically any packaged food that promises to be good for you and has "health checks" and "added vitamins". Phooey!)
The benefits of eating whole and clean are indisputable, and there are a few reasons why I've reduced the amount of meat in my diet. First, animals are treated horrendously in factory farms and I simply can't support that kind of cruelty; and second, eating too much meat and dairy have been linked to heart disease and certain types of cancer.
So, cocoa? Yes! Unrefined, straight cocoa powder is actually really good for you. Great news if you're trying to eat better but also like to indulge. But don't be confused. I said "cocoa" is good for you. Not Chocolate. Chocolate bars are loaded with unhealthy sugar, fats, and dairy. The recipes I'm about to share are made with whole ingredients and pure, unrefined (and preferably organic) cocoa powder. Mixed together they become a tasty dream with great health benefits.
- 2 ripe bananas
- 1 1/2 cups hazelnut milk (almond and oat milks work, too!)
- 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
- a blender
"I want something sweet and chocolatey after dinner but I don't want to hate myself after..."
I have just the thing! I found this recipe here but modified it some. I didn't have hazelnuts or maple syrup so I used walnuts and honey instead. The icing is the truly amazing part. The entire desert has no refined sugars or flours, and is actually good for you! And don't worry about over-eating - this little cake is very rich - a few bites and you'll be satisfied.
- 2 cups hazelnuts (or walnuts)
- 1 cup pitted dates
- 3/4 cup cocoa powder, divided
- 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons maple syrup (or honey), divided
- 1-2 ripe avocado (you'll see...)
In a food processor (or blender) chop nuts until they resemble a fine powder. Add the dates, 1/4 cup of honey, and half the cocoa powder. Blend. Roll dough into a ball and place on parchment/wax paper. Cover with another sheet and roll out dough until 1 inch thick. Using a knife or cookie cutter slice out shapes and place them on a pan or plate. Chill in refrigerator.
Okay, here's where it gets really interesting. Scoop the meat out of your ripe avocado and place in a blender. Add the rest of the honey and cocoa powder. Blend until smooth. Ice your little cakes and enjoy!
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