Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I Bought a Juicer: Tuesday

7:00 AM.  I wake to a still and quiet house.  The air is cold and I know precisely why.  My heater isn't on - because the power is still out.  

It went down to about 35 F last night and it is nippy in my little cabin today.  Luckily  the stove is propane-fed so I could make some hot tea.  I still can’t juice but I’m eating an apple with peanut butter and a few strawberries for breakfast.  

Without my blender or juicer I just feel like I'm starving myself.  One of the questions I asked before starting this detox was 'why juice when you can just eat all the fruits and veg?'.  Well, I have discovered that it's a lot faster and easier to drink your produce rather than eat it.  Plus, everything tastes better as a medley, especially spinach.  

My office was dark and my desktop obviously wouldn't turn on so I did what work I could using on my laptop.  We received word that the power would be back on by three, but we needed internet in order to respond to emails so my co-worker, Beard, and I headed to Starbucks for a few hours.

We spent a few hours sipping tea and coffee and clicking away on our keyboards.  I had a meeting at 1 so we left a little before so Beard could grab lunch.  It was only slightly excruciating as we walked into Los Primos Mexican Grill, and I tried not to drool as he ordered two bean and cheese burritos.  "Aren't you getting anything?" Beard asked.  I shrugged and told him about my juice detox.  "Good luck with that", he laughed.  "I'm gonna enjoy my tox diet."

Back at the ranch I downed a handful of cashews, a banana, and an apple for lunch before my meeting.  The power was back on in half of the ranch buildings so I spent the rest of the day in the main office.  

Around 5 we received new word that the power would be back on by 10 PM "south of the bridge" - that meant me.  

The sun sets around 5:30 these days and it gets dark quickly down here in Bell Canyon.  I was chopping and slicing by lantern light before 6.  I had to eat quickly so it was 3 carrots and a banana slathered in peanut butter for dinner, followed by a glass of almond milk.  I was getting bored of this and wanted to incorporate more veggies but I was in a rush.  I was attending a lecture on the San Joaquin Marsh Tree Swallow Nest Box Breeding Program at the Sea and Sage Audubon chapter up in Irvine at 7.  I'm helping train banding volunteers this Sunday so thought I should get caught-up on the history and summary of the project.

9:47 PM we arrive back in the canyon but the road is blocked by Edison Power Co. vehicles and we can't pass.  One of the workers, Brian, approaches yielding a flashlight and tells us we can't go any further.  I tell him I need to get home so he escorts me the rest of the way while my ride turns around.  

Brian doesn't "do" nature, as he put it.  I tell him it's easy, "but just don't run when you're out in the wilds of Southern California.  Mountain Lions love to chase things that run."  I make it back to my cabin, which is still dark.  I let out a defeated sigh, thanked Brian for walking with me, and went inside.

I decided to hit the sheets rather than stay up in the dark.  But, when I went to wash my face, the tap sputtered and the pipes shuttered. The water had been turned off.  


Thanks to my clever boyfriend there were three jugs of water in the closet - in case of an emergency.  When he first bought them I figured we'd never use them.  Boy was I a silly.  I lit up my stove and boiled some of the reserve water so I could at least wash my face before bed...

I haven't experienced any of the negative side-effects since beginning this crazy detox plan - dizziness, nausea, not even the diarrhea!  Actually I'm noticing a lot more perks with this detox.  My face is looking better these days.  My skin tone is even and my skin is glowing despite the fact that I haven't changed my cleansing routine.  I'm feeling upbeat, energetic and positively chipper, even though C is away for work, the water is out, and my precious food is rotting away in the refrigerator.


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